Accessing own assembler routines

If you write programs in C you might at some stage nonetheless need to access assembler code. You can do that quite seamlessly in Vide.

There are still a couple of things to know about accessing assembler code.

6809 "dialect"

Usually when programming in assembler vide assembles all sources using its internal assembler "assi". The syntax used in assi is very similar to the kingswood assembler - for exact syntax and pseudo opcodes see → assi!

The "C" variant supported in Vide uses due to a couple of different reasons (not explained here) a different assembler, namely as6809 (assembler package programmed by Alan R. Baldwin). The syntax is a bit different from assi - for exact definitions and pseudo opcodes, please look at the the documentation of that assembler (

Using the process described in "Building own libraries" you can ask Vide to automatically translate sources written for assi to assembler sources compatible with as6809.

"*.s" Sources

All "*.s" sources within the directory tree under "source" will automatically be assembled upon a build of your project and linked to it.

direct page access

If you use direct page accesses in your assembler sources, the linker will give a warning message, since it suspects something is wrong:
       ?ASlink-Warning-PageN relocation error

You can circumvent that warning by telling the assembler (and thus the linker) that you have everything under control. An example for a "controlled" direct page access of via would be an assembler line like (before you do the dp access):
       .setdp 0xd000,_DATA


Due to the way the "C" setup in Vide works - all sources must be relative in nature. Meaning you should not use in any way fixed memory addresses (neither ROM nor RAM, again see: "Building own libraries").

Accessing functions

In order to access your assembler code, it must be known to "C".

On the "C" side you probably do an include of some sort - but at least you have to declare a function (or variables) as "extern".

On the assembler side you have to declare your function (or variable) as global, pseudo opcode ".globl".

If you declare functions/variables as global, the name on the "assembler side" must start with an underscore "_". On the "C" side you use the variables without the underscore.


"C": extern void function(int b);

"asm":  ldb #$01
        jsr _function

"C": extern void function(int b, long x);

"asm":  ldx #$02
        ldb #$01
        jsr _function

"C": extern void function(long x, int b);

"asm":  ldb #$02
        ldx #$01
        jsr _function

"C": extern void function(int b, int z, long x);

"asm":  ldb #$02
        stb ,-s
        ldx #$03
        ldb #$01
        jsr _function

"C": extern void function(int b, int z, long x, long y);

"asm":  ldx #$04
        pshs x
        ldb #$02
        stb ,-s
        ldx #$03
        ldb #$01
        jsr _function

"C": extern void function(int b, int z, long x, long y, int e);

"asm":  ldb #$05
        stb ,-s
        ldx #$04
        pshs x
        ldb #$02
        stb ,-s
        ldx #$03
        ldb #$01
        jsr _function

Return values

"C": extern int function();
       a = function();

"asm":  jsr _function
        stb >_a

"C": extern long function();
       a = function();

"asm":  jsr _function
        stx >_a

Complete example

"C" File

#include <vectrex.h>                  
extern void printNumberPair(unsigned x, unsigned y, long twoNumbers);

int main(void)
        printNumberPair(0xd0, 0x20, 0x0102);
    return 0; 

"asm" File

            .module printnumber.s        
            .area   .text                
VIA_cntl    =       0xD00C              ;VIA control register 
Moveto_d    =       0xF312               
Print_Str   =       0xF495               
;           Variable / RAM SECTION       
            .area   .bss                 
_tmp_debug: .blkb   6                    
            .area   .text                
;           CODE    SECTION              
;           number  in x                 
;           location in d                
            .globl  _printNumberPair     
            lda     ,s                  ; complete the location in d 
            pshs    x                   ; save the numbers 
            jsr     Moveto_d             
            lda     ,s                   
            adda    # "0'                
            cmpa    # "9'                
            ble     ok11                 
            adda    #( "A'-"0'-10)       
            sta     _tmp_debug           
            lda     ,s                   
            anda    #0xf                 
            adda    # "0'                
            cmpa    # "9'                
            ble     ok21                 
            adda    #( "A'-"0'-10)       
            sta     _tmp_debug+1         
            lda     # ","                
            sta     _tmp_debug+2         
            lda     1,s                  
            adda    # "0'                
            cmpa    # "9'                
            ble     ok31                 
            adda    #( "A'-"0'-10)       
            sta     _tmp_debug+3         
            lda     1,s                  
            anda    #0xf                 
            adda    # "0'                
            cmpa    # "9'                
            ble     ok41                 
            adda    #( "A'-"0'-10)       
            sta     _tmp_debug+4         
            lda     #0x80                
            sta     _tmp_debug+5         
            ldu     #_tmp_debug          
            jsr     Print_Str            
            LDB     #0xCC                
            STB     VIA_cntl             
            puls    d                    


test result