
In the disassembly from Bruce Tomlin there are many "garbled" comments (Ramp on/off switched, T1 one shot enabled disabled...)

Here a corrected version:

; F495 Print_Str
; This is the routine which does the actual printing of a string. The
; U register points to the start of the string, while $C82A contains
; the height of the character, cell, and $C82B contains the width of
; the character cell. The string is terminated with an 0x80.
; The string is displayed by drawing 7 horizontal rows of dots. The
; first row is drawn for each character, then the second, etc. The
; character generation table is located at ($F9D4 + $20). Only
; characters 0x20-0x6F (upper case) are defined; the lower case
; characters a-o produce special icons.
; ENTRY DP = $D0
; U-reg points to the start of the string
; EXIT: U-reg points to next byte after terminator
; D-reg, X-reg trashed

            STU     Vec_Str_Ptr     ;Save string pointer
            LDX     #Char_Table-$20 ;Point to start of chargen bitmaps
            LDD     #$1883          ;a→AUX: b→ORB: $8x = Disable RAMP, Disable Mux, mux sel = 01 (int offsets)
            CLR     <VIA_port_a     ;Clear D/A output
            STA     <VIA_aux_cntl   ;Shift reg mode = 110 (shift out under system clock), T1 PB7 disabled, one shot mode
            LDX     #Char_Table-$20 ;Point to start of chargen bitmaps
            ; first entry here, ramp is disabled
            ; if there was a jump from below
            ; ramp will be enabled by next line
            STB     <VIA_port_b     ;ramp off/on set mux to channel 1
            DEC     <VIA_port_b     ;Enable mux
            LDD     #$8081          ;both to ORB, both disable ram, mux sel = 0 (y int), a:→enable mux: b:→disable mux
            NOP                     ;Wait a moment
            INC     <VIA_port_b     ;Disable mux
            STB     <VIA_port_b     ;Disable RAMP, set mux to channel 0, disable mux
            STA     <VIA_port_b     ;Enable mux
            TST     $C800           ;I think this is a delay only
            INC     <VIA_port_b     ;disable mux
            LDA     Vec_Text_Width  ;Get text width
            STA     <VIA_port_a     ;Send it to the D/A
            LDD     #$0100          ;both to ORB, both ENABLE RAMP, a:→ disable mux, b:→ enable mux
            LDU     Vec_Str_Ptr     ;Point to start of text string
            STA     <VIA_port_b     ;[4]enable RAMP, disable mux
            BRA     LF4CB           ;[3]
; one letter is drawn (one row that is) in 18 cycles
; 13 cycles overhead
; ramp is thus active for #ofLetters*18 + 13 cycles
            LDA     A,X             ;[+5]Get bitmap from chargen table
            STA     <VIA_shift_reg  ;[+4]rasterout of char bitmap "row" thru shift out in shift register
            LDA     ,U+             ;[+6]Get next character
            BPL     LF4C7           ;[+3]Go back if not terminator
            LDA     #$81            ;[2]disable mux, disable ramp
            STA     <VIA_port_b     ;[4]disable RAMP, disable mux
            NEG     <VIA_port_a     ;Negate text width to D/A
            LDA     #$01            ;enable ramp, disable mux
            STA     <VIA_port_b     ;enable RAMP, disable mux
            CMPX    #Char_Table_End-$20;[4]Check for last row
            BEQ     LF50A           ;[3]Branch if last row
            LEAX    $50,X           ;[3]Point to next chargen row
            TFR     U,D             ;[6]Get string length
            SUBD    Vec_Str_Ptr     ;[7]
            SUBB    #$02            ;[2] - 2
            ASLB                    ;[2] * 2 calculate return "way"
            BRN     LF4EB           ;[3]Delay a moment
            LDA     #$81            ;[2]disable RAMP, disable mux
            NOP                     ;[2]
            DECB                    ;[2]
            BNE     LF4EB           ;Delay some more in a loop
            STA     <VIA_port_b     ;disable RAMP, disable mux
            LDB     Vec_Text_Height ;Get text height
            STB     <VIA_port_a     ;Store text height in D/A [go down → later]
            DEC     <VIA_port_b     ;Enable mux
            LDD     #$8101
            NOP                     ;Wait a moment
            STA     <VIA_port_b     ;disable RAMP, disable mux
            CLR     <VIA_port_a     ;Clear D/A
            STB     <VIA_port_b     ;enable RAMP, disable mux
            STA     <VIA_port_b     ;disable RAMP, disable mux
            LDB     #$03            ;$0x = ENABLE RAMP?
            BRA     LF4A5           ;Go back for next scan line

            LDA     #$98
            STA     <VIA_aux_cntl   ;T1→PB7 enabled
            JMP     Reset0Ref       ;Reset the zero reference