latest changes [23.01.2025] - Changed Variable view windows - to allow access to complete memory range latest changes [21.01.2025] - bug, where I did not decrease a savety-flag, which led to the effect that some changes in the configuration were not saved. latest changes [21.12.2024] ... at least the things I remember... - when loading a rom with a size between 32k and 48k - Vide now automatically assumes it is a "extended" rom, up to 48k - implemented PiTrex support, serial connection The terminal supports "PiTrex" commands, uploading and resetting - and of course displays the output of PiTrex. The Serial connection can/must be configured in Config (misc). When a serial device is selected, use the connect button to connect. Save config. Unless changed, vide will try to autoconnect/disconnect the device. - support for "sending" roms to PiTrex added in: Editor, Vector-Editor, Storyboards, Debugger... - dissi Update unkown "memory" was always displayed as "0", although the emulator always used $ff Now unkown memory is in dissi always displayed as what the emulator sees. When emulating flash roms, now dissi also sees the rom changes (even in "unkown" rom). Before writes to flash could only be seen by the emulator and the rom dump panel - emulation of integrator offsets slightly improved. a) offsets are ALWAYS added, not just when ramping b) sign of the offset emulation was wrong - in the raster image / vector image creation dialogs you can now paste images from the system clipboard, no need to always load images from disk anymore - corrected a bug in one of the smartlist templates... can't remember which though - changed the layout of VecxPanel slightly - added (as a quick and dirty solution) - a config option to double the size of all image buttons. for a quick hack (half an hour) it works surprisingly well - though does not always look good. But this was a special request... and if I can help a little in such a short time... you are welcome!